I love this time of year. We have been enjoying the cool weather and fall colors. Sullivan loves having
pumpkins all around, which she calls "
Pums". She originally carried her baby "
pum" around like a ball until I freaked out (imagining
pumkin seeds and slime all over my house). She is full of energy and brings us so much joy! She has become increasingly aware of other's emotions and attitudes lately. Before seeing her great grandma Murray, "Moo Moo", the other day she said "Moo Moo happy see me!". And yesterday Aunt Ashley was on her way over for an
evening walk and
Sulli said, "Ash happy see me, all
da time"... to which I responded, "Oh, does she smile and kiss you when she sees you?"... she said, "
Yessss, and hug too!". She is (we are) so blessed to have so many people in her life that adore her. As a parent I can't imagine raising a child without that circle of support and love.
During our days together, Sullivan would watch Dora the Explorer for hours on end if I would let her (and sometimes I do... in desperation!), but other than that we enjoy trips to the store, walks or bike-rides to the park, visits with Nana and Baby Nana (My mom and grandma), playing in the backyard with
Molle Gyrl, going on the Swings ("I Wanna Wee mommy!")... we have so much fun!
As for the Holidays... this will be a strange one. Without my Papa, it won't be the same. However, he would want nothing short of a wonderful holiday for all of us, especially the kids. So... in honor of him, I will make a conscience effort to enjoy the holiday season, focus on the reason it's here, and love, love, love my sweet girl and my hubby as much as I can!