Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sprinklers and a Shower

Sullivan and daddy had a fun time playing in the sprinklers in our front yard! Ha ha! She was soaked in her clothes, but why not! It is so hot around here. She loved this special treat with her daddy!

I think Ryan started out just fixing a sprinkler or washing the dog and then he gave in! It was a photo opportunity I couldn't pass up!
Wendy, Cory, Jen, me and Katie at Cory's going away/baby shower get together. Aww... she'll be leaving to Australia soon and then having a baby in Decmeber! She's brave! We will all miss her very much. It was great to see the girls all together again.
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the bohlschmid's said...

That's summertime in Kingsburg! Looks like you had a blast! It was so good to see you too!

Ashley said...

That pic of Ryan and Sullivan is super cute. And the girls all look so tan!